Thursday, June 26, 2008

Awards Evening Evaluation

We couldn’t use the original ‘Shaft’ song for our advert because of legal and copyright reasons. This was due to the fact that we were going to record it as a radio advert which means many people would hear it. We also had to make it professional because this was for a Media Awards and was representing the College; this also meant using the right type of language that wasn’t going to be offensive.
For an evening event I was on live team working the laptop so I didn’t have any constraints on the night.

Leadership wasn’t a strong point for me but I was able to follow each instruction given to me as well as each challenge, but I guess in some way for the actual live event it was only me controlling the laptop which produced some leadership qualities within me. I felt this was successful because it meant that I did my job to a consistent level, this included doing tasks like graphics and animations whilst using programmes like Adobe Photoshop and Monkey Jam.

In our group we only had one proper meeting and that was on the first day. We went to a room and brainstormed ideas in a group, after this we then split ourselves into different groups of teams that would work on each different section of Post Production. I think this was done well because from that meeting we all knew what we were doing each lesson. But rather than formal meetings we would just have a group discussion just so we could update each other on where we were up to.

Before the night I was working with Post Production which meant getting all the graphics for the night sorted out. The timescale for this was very tight because we had the most amount of work to do out of anyone. We did however meet those deadlines and finished in time but it was tight. This was the same as the radio advert really. If I was to do the radio advert and awards evening again I would make sure I had a larger timescale to do all the work, enough time extra that when finished we had time to spare.

The feedback I had received was when the show finished; my job for the night was to work the laptop and basically playing and pausing between each award. This was a very important job for the night because without it the show would have been plain, boring and confusing. I feel that my final contribution was acceptable considering that I never had a run through practice with the timings, so in a way I was working blind. I did have a script next to me to follow which helped me know the timings so I could either pause or play the CD-ROM depending what part of the awards evening we were at.